Alysa has been cooking NONSTOP...mostly cookies, but I think dinner will be waiting when we get home. We are in sugar shock at our house. But loving it!
We just love our holiday visitors, and it is great catching up. In the midst of the cold, a wonderful breath of Spring fever and colors from Lynne & the boys, and shown at the top: Richard & Danny, who have been together for 33 years, and whom we met 23 years ago.
Santa on skates was not the only pyrotechnic show....the lighting of Galleria's 95 foot tree was spectacular, if you could make your way past the crowds of spectators.
Yes, he is the back flipping, pyrotechnic skating Santa and we just love his annual appearance to light the tree. Y'all come on out for 2 more performances, December 13 and 20th at 5pm. And don't forget to stop by to say hi....
We'll see how long these posts stay up since I promised the kids I wouldn't. Oh, well. It was amazing to see Abby, Sadie and Alysa reunited for Thanksgiving (shown with "Wild Eddie", I did not retouch his eyes). And I couldn't help but snap a pic of Jake being interviewed on the news about the Bushes moving into the neighborhood in January. Just love my kids, so forgive me and don't ask me to remove the posts, guys.
My blog site says this is the 438th post and it's about time I crank up the blog updates....but we have been in the midst of the holiday season of showing, selling, & shipping of the most glorious jewelry on the planet (my Cinci friend calles it a state of "high frappe"). So stay tuned while I catch up, working backwards from Thanksgiving .....(thanks, Kim, for keeping those boxes rolling out!).
Just a small town girl (Arkansas) who is having a great life. Passions are my family (husband of 37 years, two great kids, two loyal dogs, Eddie & Tuey; jewelry business; photography; writing; travel and giving back to the community.