Shock and Awe...I had just hung up with Baby Duck Alysa T. in Evanston, when who should walk in? Alysa T who was definitely NOT in Evanston! I was caught speechless (for once). What a wonderful weekend with her and Jake. She shopped for groceries, and cooked the most killer Mother's Day brunch: 2 oven fritattas, one with goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes, and one with basil and smoked salmon; grilled veggies and asparagus, and her special salad with nuts and stuff. Then on the next day to work out and have manis | pedis. Then some shopping (natch) and lots of down time. It was a glorious weekend! Jake claims the books he gave me were grabbed randomly from the Barnes & Noble Mother's Day table, but I don't buy it. They were spot on: The Incredible Truth About Mothers & Now Is the Time. Both great reads, especially the latter subtitled: 170 Ways to Seize the Moment. Just love it. And just love them. Thank you kids and thank you Charles for orchestrating it! And poof! She is back in Evanston, awaiting graduation.
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