Friday, December 18, 2009

Chanukah at Our House: Eddie Terrorized by a Moving Dreidel

In another chapter of how to terrorize the dog, Jake has taken to windup dreidels and menorahs. It's always something, and thankfully for Eddie, tonight is the last night. Stay tuned for next year's adventures! Happy Chanukah everyone!!!


Anne @ The City Sage said...

Thanks so much Joanne for stopping by my blog! Your site is amazing--I just can't get over the fabulous selection and top notch designers!

I'm always up for collaborating on product reviews, giveaways, or any other fun content we can come up with in support of your PR needs.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and Happy Chanukah! (p.s. your little eddie is adorable :)

Anne @ The City Sage

Joanne said...

Thanks so much Anne and have a great holiday! ~ joanne